How does Evolution theory relate to Genesis?

How does evolution and evolution theory relate to Genesis in the Bible? 

            Over the last century there has been debate about how evolution and its theories relate to the creation account in the Bible. While much of the discussion centers on science and scientific discoveries, it should be noted that not everything pertaining to such findings should be dismissed. However, from a biblical viewpoint, different parts of evolution can be dismissed as mere speculation, due to inherent logical flaws that cannot be explained and are void of evidence. At times, Christians may be quick to concede Scriptural truth, in order to accommodate biological processes that have no basis in reality. This need not be so. Hence, in the following, we are briefly considering what evolution is as a biological process, theory, and philosophical worldview. Thereby, we will briefly explore how (and if) non-negotiable aspects related to the aforementioned threefold pointers – pose a reasonable challenge to the Bible.

First off, we need to briefly distinguish what evolution and evolution theory argue. Evolution is basically seen as a developmental process from one form into another. Evolution theory is grounded in biological assumptions stating that all lifeforms have developed from less complex forms in a gradual series of steps. Hereby, the single common ancestry, supposedly occurred through an unguided natural process, or temporal processes, often called ‘natural selection.’ Charles Darwin, alongside Alfred Wallace, refined this theory, which has become synonymous with the term ‘Darwinism.’ As man-made worldview, it is atheistic in nature, and appeals to random chance as its cause. The two pillars or paradigms on which this hypothesis rests are the single ancestry theory (the idea that man came from the ape or something else) and the other is the mechanism that attempts to explain this evolutionary process. In essence, while there are genetic aspects in the latter part that could be feasible, especially with the composition of DNA structures, the former part has been refuted, even by science itself. Therefore, there is no adequate theory that would explain the origin of life on earth. The proposed mechanisms to bolster common ancestry as explanations on the basis of natural selection and random mutations fail, since they are rationally inadequate.

So what this means is that not only are there self-refuting attributes resulting from within lacking scientific cohesion, but also implications for holding to an evolution philosophy or worldview, that merely appeals to random chance, in trying to explain the origin of life. As such, randomness does not only fail to explain this origin, but also provides no plausible basis that can explain the relationship between the origin of life and the beginning of the universe, especially, how human life fits in. Therefore, the believer, by no means, should have to concede biblical truth, in order to accommodate evolution theory, or compromise core orthodox Christian truth.

Hence, moving toward the unique worldview of the Bible, we find a cohesive, consistent view, that not only provides a plausible explanation for the creation of the universe, but also points to an uncreated personal triune God, who existed before anything else came into being, as viable. Upon reading and thinking about the Genesis account (Genesis 1), we can easily understand that the creation time period for each “day,” may have been much longer than a literal 24-hour period (2 Peter 3:8). Similarly, there is no need to view Adam and Eve not as real human beings, as our human ancestors, created by God. These are real people and real events. The Bible, and its monotheistic Judeo-Christian worldview, along with its beauty, grace and divine love, point to an all-powerful, all-knowing and all-loving God. He reveals Himself in the God-man, Jesus Christ, who dies on our behalf on the cross – having atoned for our sins, offering the free gift of salvation. In that way, we may share eternal life in and through Him, as we repent and accept Him as our personal Lord and Savior (Acts 4:12). When it comes to beginning to understand the magnitude of Christ, we may do well to grant Him the reverence He is due, providing absolute truth (John 14:6; 15:5) and accepting our own limitations in understanding, be it the creation of the universe, earth, and mankind, acknowledging His sovereignty (Isaiah 55:8-9).

In short, the fact that the Bible mentions Jesus Christ as creator of the universe and mankind (Colossians 1:16; John 1:1-5) is an invitation to anyone to come to Him freely in repentance and reverence, as well as awe. So why not give thanks to the creator of all things, and how He has revealed all we need to know in the Bible, about who He is and why He came – along with finding the answers to who we are, where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going?

Always remember, the best Bible, is an open Bible!


Where to go from here?

Bible References

Genesis 1

2 Peter 3:8

Acts 4:12

John 14:6; 15:5

Isaiah 55:8-9

Colossians 1:16

John 1:1-5

For further reading and study

Groothuis, Douglas R. Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith (Second ed.) Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic, 2022. 

(See Chapter 14; Origins, Design and Darwinism, p.267-296).

Wayne, Luke. “Essentials of Creation: What must we believe about the beginning?”

William Lane Craig On Evolution – YouTube Video

William Lane Craig – “Must a Darwinian Be a Non-Christian?”
