Bible Characters – Moses

(Exodus to Deuteronomy) 

Moses’ life and the events surrounding him are recorded in the Bible from Exodus to Deuteronomy. While the circumstances as revealed here are remarkable – the most significant part, is the personal relationship between God and Moses. What helps us identify with Moses, since he is a real person, is seen in his own family life, with all its challenges, in addition to his own shortcomings. Keeping this in mind, we are able to see how God reveals Himself, especially in times of persecution and Moses’ own failings. This should be an encouragement for us all to remind us, that not only is God sovereign, but also our holy, graceful and loving Heavenly Father (who later reveals Himself to us as Jesus Christ).

The book of Exodus covers many significant events in Moses’ life and ministry, which can be divided into two segments: First, the redemption from Egypt (Exodus 1:1-18:27) and second, God’s revelation of the Old Covenant (Exodus 19:1-31:18) which is then linked to how the Israelite people respond to it (Exodus 32:1-40:38). While the first segment is notable for God’s divine intervention, as expressed in many memorable miraculous events, we should not forget that the focus is on what God does through Moses. Hereby, long periods of preparation and waiting are seen, as God prepares Moses for His ultimate redemptive plan. 

The second segment in Exodus reveals the shortcoming of the Israelites, similar to our own today, since in our own strength (acting apart from God) we are unable to keep God’s law, as broken sinners. Thereafter, only a remnant (with Joshua and Caleb) are allowed to enter the Promised Land (Book of Joshua). Only Jesus Christ is able to fulfill the law perfectly (Matthew 5:17-20) as we learn in the New Testament.

In summary, while the life and events of Moses reveal an obedient and faithful servant of God, we also learn that he was not perfect, and should not be idealized in any way. This shows us that we are dealing with a real person, who, just like all of us is unable to make himself acceptable to God, relying solely on our own strength (Romans 3:23). This is why Jesus Christ is the only one – as ‘God in the flesh’ – able to save us from our fallen sin-state, redeeming us through His life, death and resurrection (Ephesians 1:7; 1 Corinthians 1:30). Every person who comes to Jesus with a repentant, humble heart, enters into a personal relationship with Him (John 3:16-21) receiving God’s unmerited grace (Ephesians 1:2-4). It is nothing that we do, but all that Jesus did on the cross, that provides eternal salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5). It is only in and through Jesus Christ, and His ongoing work, that we are saved (John 14:6; 15:5).

For further study:

Gardner P. New International Encyclopedia of Bible Characters: The Complete Who’s Who in the Bible. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2001.

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